Mid-West Tool Collectors Association

Studying, Preserving, and Sharing Knowledge of Tools

Keeping you connected to the world of antique and traditional tools through publications, meetings, and community!

M-WTCA Members

The world of antique and traditional tools spans a wide range of interests. Whether you consider yourself a collector, desire them for your own use, like having a few on your walls for aesthetics, or just enjoy the history and heritage, becoming a member of M-WTCA will connect you to a world of like-minded people and grow your interests in any direction.

Next National Confrence

September 25-28, 2024 

Oasis Hotel, Springfield, MO

For More Info: Larry Thorson (608)779-0966 thorsonlh@gmail.com

You can reserve your room now by contacting the hotel. Make sure to mention the M-WTCA for the exclusive nightly rate.

2546 N Glenstone Ave, Springfield, MO 65803 (417) 866-5253

Benefits of Membership

Receive our publication, The Gristmill

Published quarterly, The Gristmill features articles on antique and traditional tools, meetings, auctions, and more. The latest issue includes a listing of the articles.

Area Meetingsand National Conferences

Come to our meetings where you will find antique and traditional tools for sale and trade, programs, displays and demos. See schedule of meetings and information on previous meetings.

M-WTCA Directory

Our annual directory provides a listing of all members so you can easily contact others that share your interest.

People finder

Connect with others that share your interest, or find people that have the information on the tools you are interested in. fond a buyer or seller! 

More benefits are coming soon!

-> See Upcoming Events <-