Submitting Articles

Members are encouraged to send articles to the editor of The Gristmill. Many of us spend countless hours researching our tools just to learn more about their place in history. If you have come across something that has not already been presented to the world of tool history, consider this as your chance to contribute.
Even if you do not consider yourself a strong writer, get in contact and see if your idea for an article is worth pursuing. The staff of the magazine will work with you through the writing process to help you create an article.
Articles can be submitted as Microsoft Word documents. Please do not worry about layout, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to honor your efforts here as your article will need to conform to the overall layout of the magazine. Send us the copy (text) and any photos; which can be sent as an attachment to an email or shared online through a file sharing program like Google Drive. Contact The Gristmill if you have any questions.

Deadlines For Submissions:

Jan. 10 for the March issue

Apr. 10 for the June issue

July 10 for the Sept. issue

Oct. 10 for the Dec. issue

Please note: It may take several issues for an article to appear in The Gristmill.

To submit an article or for information about advertising, please contact the editor:


Each article must have a completed Permission to Publish form.