About the M-WTCA Ladies Auxiliary
The Auxiliary was formed “way-back when” in order to give the wives of the tool collectors something to do that would stimulate interest in antiques, handcrafts, and just plain good fun! Over the years we have found that wives of tool collectors are avid collectors themselves. Many of our members collect such items as kitchen tools, sad irons, political memorabilia, Hummels, Torquay pottery, oil cans, etc. They share these unique collections in displays for all to enjoy and to educate us. We welcome those who would like to come to a semi-annual meeting but feel they do not know anyone. It doesn’t take long to find new friends as we pride ourselves on being a friendly group! Additional information about the Auxiliary can be found in the links below. Thinking about attending a M-WTCA national meeting but just not sure? Here is what was said by a first-time attendee at our June 2018 Lansing meeting:
“My husband and I were fortunate to have attended the National Spring Meeting in Lansing, Michigan this month. This was our first national meeting, and while my husband has attended several area meetings, this was the first time I was able to come to one. I wanted to express to everyone involved how much I personally enjoyed the event. I’ve been to many conferences, meetings, events, and what-nots, but have never come across a more friendly group of people; people who were genuinely kind and wanted to share knowledge, ideas, and stories. The Auxiliary was very generous to me and went out of their way to make me feel welcome. Mark and I were never allowed to sit alone for long, and some of the stories we got in return!”
Ladies—while your men are busy looking at, talking about or buying tools, we offer an opportunity for you to enjoy yourself, learn new things and meet fun people. All women are automatically members of the M-WTCA Auxiliary and we hope you will participate. During the men’s programs, the women also have a program or activity scheduled that is always informational and/or entertaining.
At our meetings, we are fortunate to be able to see interesting and educational displays that women create showcasing their collections or other items of interest. A Member’s Choice ribbon is awarded. It is an opportunity to view fabulous and interesting collections—and to learn something new.
Our opening event at national meetings on Thursday evening is usually a Meet and Greet. First time attendees are welcomed and members bring items they collect or craft or anything they might want to share about themselves. We have a book club and read a variety of books. This group continues to grow in size. Discussions are always interesting and thought provoking. We have a ladies breakfast or luncheon on Saturday. Our meeting ends with a banquet on Saturday night. Our meals are great, the fellowship around the table is always interesting and we all look forward to the entertainment.
To find out about our next National Meeting, please click here
For more general information about the Auxiliary, you may contact Auxiliary President Jane Giese or Catherine Trahin—Auxiliary VP of Meeting Planning. They can be reached through our Contact Us page.
Mount Vernon
The Ladies Auxiliary is active in M-WTCA’s Mount Vernon Committee. The Board of Directors created this Committee in 1992 to support the Mount Vernon Ladies Association of the Union, the guiding force in the continuing restoration and maintenance of George Washington’s home in Virginia. M-WTCA members have donated funds for use in the needed restoration of the ceiling in the dining room of the Mansion in 1993, as well as numerous eighteenth century (for display and educational purposes) and usable woodworking tools (used during the reconstruction of the sixteen-sided barn which was dedicated in 1996). The Ladies Auxiliary of M-WTCA has also donated funds for kitchen items. Since 1997, M-WTCA has supported an intern at Mount Vernon for a 10-week period each summer.
The Ladies Auxiliary would like to know if you have expertise or interest in eighteenth century trades such as candle making, weaving, lace making, music, textiles, sewing, net making, quilting, spinning, tatting, butter making, cooking, soap making or medicinal herbalist. Our goal is to build a database of talents and knowledge concerning many different areas.
The Mount Vernon web site is at
Please contact Paula Cox if you have questions or can help!