Serving in The M-WTCA

It has been said many, many times that “volunteers are the lifeblood of M-WTCA.” To keep an organization our size going, it takes many people who are willing to pitch in and help out. Some are individuals who are elected to offices or appointed to committees. Others just offer to help out at meetings, write articles for The Gristmill, or demonstrate at historic sites and museums—all very important in forwarding our mission!


Here are some of the Ways you can help:


Serve as a Director

Directors have control of and are responsible for the operation of M-WTCA including such things as stimulating interest in the association, promoting Area meetings and approving any additions or revisions to our bylaws and 3-P’s. Not all business, but a good way to get to know more about the association and meet others. Please contact our VP of Membership for more information.


Write an Article for The Gristmill:

You don’t have to be an English major or be an experienced writer or have a rare tool collection to be able to contribute something of interest to our quarterly magazine. Please contact the editor of The Gristmill who will help and answer any questions you might have. Here is a link to how you can submit an article.


Host or Help With Meetings

Meetings, whether Area (local) or National, are where it all happens. Our meeting schedule can be found here which includes contacts. You can contribute in many ways to help make our meetings even more enjoyable for all—including the hosts. If you want to find out more about holding a meeting, please contact our VP of Membership.


Give Demonstrations or Displays

Seeing how things get done or how things evolved is interesting to those who collect, use, and appreciate antique and traditional tools. Those that do these things will probably tell you that they learned something they did not know, met others that share our interests and, yes, brought a smile to somebody’s face. You can demonstrate or have a display at our meetings, at historic sites and museums, or woodworking and craft shows. Contact meeting hosts for more information or see the next section on Promoting M-WTCA.


Promote MWTCA

No effort can be too small when it comes to getting the word out. All kinds of things you can do here: check out our Promote MWTCA page! You can downlow the trifold brochure here:


Become a member of a Committee

All of our committee chairs are listed inside the front page of The Gristmill. Contact them directly if you have any interest in helping out or just want to find out more!